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The Future of A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)

In Hollywood movies like Ironman, Avengers, chappie, Terminator and many more, you have A.I. Must have seen, who can speak, hear and follow the instructions given by us.

So today we will talk about artificial intelligence which will prove to be good in future or not.

In this century, almost all people are competing in how to earn maximum money and how to be the highest. Because they want to earn their name in this chaotic world. Everything is growing rapidly due to increasing civilization, resources are being reduced for people to use. For this, everyone is trying to find a way that can easily do their work.

What is Artificial Intelligence 

First of all, Artificial Intelligence is knows as "A.I." Now we will understand its definition,

A.I. a systematically written code that works in a computer system and follows the guidelines provided by Human Intelligence such as speech recognition, desicion making, and translation between the languages. 
J.A.R.V.I.S. a A.I., produced by Tony Stark in the Ironman movie Which is made of advanced techs, which makes all the tasks of his boss very easy.

credit: google images
Like Ironman, there are many movies that A.I. has been shown in her movie like Terminator, Chappie, Machine, Avengers etc. 

Future of Artificial Intelligence

Currently, many developers and companies have their own A.I. is making it so that they can get her work done to a minimum. In the same era, a company like Google also got its A.I. (Google Assistant) is working to improve and in the coming few years the entire world A.I. will drown in it.

Because some work is still being done, some research is being done on how an A.I. Be made better for the people. After a few years, everyone has a.i. Will and do their work A.I. Will be getting it done. 

It is good or not?

A question that you spend most of your time on is desktop, tablet, television.
Smartphone... because it easy to use and its mantainance is less than others.

So We are talking about Artificial Intelligence. Is it useful or not? We will try to find the answer. 

Because humans do their work mostly in making the A.I., therefore it is engaged in making it better. If the A.I. is used correctly then it is very useful like there are many decisions which take us time while it helps to make quick decisions with the help of its logical code.

Now we will discuss about its dangerous. There are many Hollywood movies that have a lot of content related to Technology and A.I. Like a series of Terminator in which a robot tries to destroy the human race present in the whole world.
Also in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ultron is a dangerous Artificial Intelligence who tried to kill the Avengers as well as humans. 

Yes, it is true that if it is used with the right hands, then it can prove to be a useful thing, otherwise with its help, there is a possibility of a war.


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