You must have been shopping online at some time. In which you do not need to go to any shop or any mall. You order your product right from home and after few days that product comes to you. There are many ecommerce websites in the world that sell their goods online like - Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, eBay, etc. These website runs a program called Affiliate Program . Now the question is what is Affiliate and how to make Affiliate. In this blog, we will talk on this topic, which will help you. Important Questions 1.) What is AFFILIATE 2.) How to become AFFILIATE 3.) How does Affiliate Earn 1.) What is Affiliate Every ecommerce company wants to earn profit by selling more and more products. To do this, they created a program from which they can earn profit by selling products and this program is called Affiliate Program . Through this program, ecommerce companies sell their products very easily. Now another question is what is Affiliate . ...
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