In the current era, every person is spending a long time on the Internet. In such a situation, there is a problem in the eyes by constantly looking at the screen. By enabling dark mode on different services, you can get relief from this problem. These days dark mode is appearing everywhere. Actually, this is a light-on-dark color scheme, which is called dark mode, dark theme or night mode. Many research suggests that using the phone in dark mode reduces eye strain. This makes it easier to use the device at night time. If the device uses an OLED or AMOLED screen, it saves energy. In this way, many services exist in which dark mode can be enabled. Apply dark mode theme on many devices: 1.) Instagram To enable dark mode on Instagram, the device must have the latest operating system. To enable dark mode for Instagram on iOS 13, go to the phone's settings, select Display and Brightness and tap on Dark to change the theme. After this, you can launch Instagram in dark mode...
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