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Showing posts with the label New Skills

Online learning of new skills (नई स्किल्स को ऑनलाइन सीखना)

In present times, online learning can teach many things from the world. Then, whether it is about learning new languages, coding, design, art, cooking .... online learning of new skills can be done for free.  This blog describes some skills that can be done online learning.  Photography          To become a good photographer one has to learn photography. For this, there are some websites that offer online courses for free. Of these, photographycourse , ,  which teaches for free.  You can also download free app photography tutorials for Android devices. Artistic Skills         Coloring, Drawing can be learned at  artyfactory to learn the basics of techs. Thevirtualinstructor  can be visited for lessons, tutorials, articles and videos. You can go to the instructables  to learn activities like jewelery, puppet costumes etc. You can also download t...