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What is Polymath (polymath क्या होता है?)

If a person becomes Polymath then he can take his life and career on any path.

Now the question is what is Polymath?
"Polymath is a person who has knowledge of a wide range of subjects and tries to suggest complex problems with this knowledge."

There have been many such great people in history, who can be placed in the category of polymath. These include Leo Nardo the Vinci, Aristotle, Michelangelo, Richard Francis Burton, Bertrand Russell, etc. which can be considered as polymath.These people have been experts in many subjects and they have done an important job of giving a new direction to mankind. 

There are many polymaths present in the present era. If a person wants, he can become a polymath. It requires hard work, patience, discipline and concentration.

  • New polymath preparation 
Now schools will have such programs for students, which can make them polymath. Now is not the time to achieve mastery in a field and achieve success. To become polymath, students have to understand various topics. Flexibility, innovation and creativity have to be valued in life. Every student has to understand computer, robotics, coding. 

  • Inovation-creativity 
In the current era, the teachers and communities together should allow the students to imagine their future. This work should be done with full enthusiasm and confidence. The more practical knowledge students get, the more they will benefit. Students should also give the most importance to experiments, innovation and creativity in their lives. 
  • Way to become Polymath
When you start working to become a polymath, then put full energy into it. Knowledge will not be gained by sitting empty. Have to experiment in life. When obstacles come in the way, instead of running away from them, you should fight them. Problems have to be solved. Free time has to be utilized. 

  • Importance of Creativity 
According to an estimate of the University of Oxford, 47 percent of the jobs in the world will be fully automated in the next 20 years. The growing trend of computers, apps and robotics will hamper the jobs of humans and artificial intelligence. The teachers of the 21st century must master students in many disciplines. For this, creativity and collaboration have to be given more importance in the classroom. 

                                                History of Polymath                                                  

Leo Nardo Di Vinchi was painter, sculptor, architect, musician, engineer and sceintist. He was born in Florence, Italy. Born in Florence, Italy, Sir Michelangelo was a sculptor, painter, architect and poet. Sir Richard Francis Burton, born in England, was an explorer, geographer, translator, writer, soldier, detective, poet, anthropologist and linguist. Wales-born Bertrand Russell was also a polymath. 


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